March 16, the best day to tears all the pain. :)
My friend told me to let go, move on, and shall give up on you.
Cause you broke my heart secound time!!!
You know what's the best part??
[[ I miss you still. ]] :')
I hangout with my friends. And someone told me you back march16.
I was so shock cause i saw one of your comment saying your not coming back, cause working.
I pull my friend out and tears falling.
We've a DEAL that, when you coming back here.
We hangout together. And you said ok.
I totally feel much more better. :)
But what you did?? Lie! Lie to me. :((
That's what you always trying to do when i really need you to most.
If you want me to Don't find you anymore.
Tell me the true. I know i can give up on you.
But you don't want to tell me. How i can stop thinking about you? :(
Its like... I'd blamed myself for everything. Even you made a mistake.
I say sorry. You do a mistake. You don't take it serious.
I thought god gave us a one chance again to take this relationship better then before.
But it even getting worse. I was wrong to take back you in my life.
I was so greedy?? :\
I know i didn't do anything wrong. Is you.
Everything is perfect. I'am so glad. But then, end up. You leave.
Are you playing me?? I'am not a toy!!!
Try it by yourself one day. You will realise how much pain to get through.
And when that day happened to you. I'm so happy cause you realise the teste of the pain i step in before. :)
March16, i went to my friend house. She told me everything. And i told her everyting what i wanted to do now. I remember that i holdin' my phone and online, viewing your profile.
Going down... There's a button Remove Friend.
I click it and it say yes... When i did that.
But after days past away, that kind of feeling come back again.
So hurt. And today, you going back there.
Inbox you, you treat me cold.
Can you just tell me slowly and tell me what happen?
Maybe i can give up. :(
I wish that we can be friend like normal friend used to do!!! :(
I can't face our friends... :')
[[ I ]]
[[ LOVE ]]
[[ YOU ]]
</3 :'))